The missionof the NTUA Road Safety Observatory ( is to support the Greek and the International Road Safety Community with currentkey road safety knowledge and data, which are gathered, analysed and organised within the research activities of theDepartment of Transportation Planning and Engineeringof theSchool of Civil Engineeringof theNational Technical University of Athens, as well as within co-operations with various national and international road safety organisations. 

The development and operation of the NTUA Road Safety Observatory is coordinated by ProfessorGeorge Yannis. The vision of the NTUA Road Safety Observatory is to contribute to the continuous reduction of the number of road crashes and related casualties in Greece, in Europe and worldwide through the scientific support of evidence based decision making for the necessary road safety policies, programmes and measures. We persist for science and innovation for safe traffic everywhere and for all. NTUA leads WP4, to efforts related to transferability and scalability, integrating cultural and geographical diversity through participatory planning to develop tailored local deployment plans.